EUROSTAT: Το 20% των ταξιδιωτών της Ε.Ε. είναι 65 ετών και πάνω – Οι Έλληνες προτιμούν τα ταξίδια εσωτερικού

  • Οι  τουρίστες 65 ετών και πάνω, που ζουν στην Ε.Ε., πέρασαν πάνω από 1,2 δις νύχτες στα ταξίδια, που έκαναν σε όλο το κόσμο το 2014, αποτελώντας το 20% του τουριστικού δυναμικού της Ε.Ε. Ωστόσο, τα λεφτά που διέθεσαν για τα ταξίδια τους, αποτελούν το 16% του συνόλου, δίνοντας κατά μέσο όρο 52,6 ευρώ την ημέρα (12,7 ευρώ λιγότερα από τον μέσο τουρίστα).
  • Σε γενικές γραμμές, οι τουρίστες μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας της Ε.Ε. προτιμούν τα ταξίδια εσωτερικού, τα οποία αποτελούν το 66% των ταξιδιών τους (σε αντίθεση με το 59% του μέσου τουρίστα).


Δείτε τους πίνακες:

1. Οι μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας τουρίστες της Ε.Ε. – και κυρίως οι Έλληνες και οι Ισπανοί- προτιμούν τα ταξίδια εσωτερικού.

Οι νύχτες που πέρασαν στα ταξίδια τους οι τουρίστες 65 ετών και άνω της Ε.Ε., 2014

Residence of the tourist Share of 65+ in all tourism nights Number of tourism night of 65+ (in 1000) Of which:
Domestic Outbound
EU* 20% 1 248 610.9 66% 34%
Belgium 16% 14 794.0 9% 91%
Bulgaria 10% 1 648.8 73% 27%
Czech Republic 24% 32 851.8 89% 11%
Denmark 16% 18 135.5 63% 37%
Germany 21% 271 818.2 45% 55%
Estonia 11% 1 526.3 41% 59%
Ireland 23% 14 632.5 27% 73%
Greece 24% 15 218.8 92% 8%
Spain 21% 128 270.7 94% 6%
France 25% 310 078.2 85% 15%
Croatia 13% 6 268.5 59% 41%
Italy 17% 53 340.0 88% 12%
Cyprus 25% 4 831.5 29% 71%
Latvia 10% 1 714.6 55% 45%
Lithuania 12% 2 276.5 49% 51%
Luxembourg 13% 1 482.2 (1%) 99%
Hungary 15% 9 635.4 85% 15%
Malta 9% 260.8 18% 82%
Netherlands 21% 53 184.6 40% 60%
Austria 17% 17 842.3 40% 60%
Poland 18% 51 069.6 71% 29%
Portugal 23% 14 164.3 88% 12%
Romania 13% 9 273.9 89% 11%
Slovenia 10% 1 933.3 43% 57%
Slovakia 15% 4 759.5 73% 27%
Finland 17% 21 370.2 60% 40%
Sweden 24% 38 789.8 50% 50%
United Kingdom** 17% 147 439.3 45% 55%
Switzerland 18% 23 009.8 26% 74%

The proportion of people aged 65 or over in all tourism nights was particularly high for residents of France and Cyprus, where they accounted for a quarter (25%) of all tourism nights in 2014, as well as for the Czech Republic, Greece and Sweden (all 24%), Ireland and Portugal (both 23%). At the opposite end of the scale, older tourists represented around 10% of nights spent by residents of Malta (9%), Bulgaria, Latvia and Slovenia (all 10%) as well as Estonia (11%).

In a small majority of EU Member States, older tourists favored domestic holidays over outbound trips, with the highest shares being recorded for residents of Spain (94%) and Greece (92%), followed by those of the Czech Republic and Romania (both 89%), Italy and Portugal (both 88%). In contrast, a large majority of older tourists living in Luxembourg (99%), Belgium (91%) and Malta (82%) went abroad in 2014.

2. Οι τουρίστες της Ε.Ε. που είναι 65 ετών και πάνω, διαθέτουν 20% λιγότερα λεφτά ημερησίως, για τα ταξίδια τους

Τα λεφτά, που διέθεσαν στα ταξίδια τους, οι τουρίστες 65 ετών και άνω της Ε.Ε., 2014

Residence of the tourist Share of 65+ in all tourism expenditure (%) Total tourism expenditure of 65+ (in million euros) Average tourism expenditure per day of 65+ (in euro) Difference with total average tourism expenditure (in euro)
EU* 16% 65 623.8 52.6 -12.7
Belgium 16% 1 324.2 89.5 4.9
Bulgaria 6% 35.6 21.6 -13.6
Czech Republic 13% 451.2 13.7 -12.8
Denmark 13% 1 543.6 85.1 -20.1
Germany 19% 20 649.2 76.0 -9.7
Estonia 7% 55.7 36.5 -24.3
Ireland 21% 1 287.7 88.0 -11.9
Greece 15% 274.5 18.0 -10.5
Spain 16% 3 808.0 29.7 -9.4
France 20% 15 769.7 50.9 -12.2
Croatia 7% 127.2 20.3 -18.8
Italy 14% 2 393.3 44.9 -12.1
Cyprus 16% 219.1 45.3 -24.8
Latvia 7% 42.7 24.9 -9.8
Lithuania 5% 43.4 19.1 -29.3
Luxembourg 12% 179.0 120.8 -9.6
Hungary 8% 185.0 19.2 -17.5
Malta 8% 24.4 93.7 -14.1
Netherlands 17% 2 546.1 47.9 -9.4
Austria 14% 1 908.2 106.9 -20.2
Poland 13% 1 208.4 23.7 -8.8
Portugal 17% 374.8 26.5 -8.7
Romania 7% 127.7 13.8 -12.4
Slovenia 8% 79.7 41.3 -14.5
Slovakia 8% 137.3 28.9 -29.2
Finland 13% 1 647.8 77.1 -24.1
Sweden : : : :
United Kingdom** 12% 7 365.9 50.0 -19.3
Switzerland 18% 2 361.3 102.6 -3.3

Across the EU Member States in 2014, the older tourists who spent the most on average per day were those of Luxembourg (€120.8) and Austria (€106.9), ahead of Malta (€93.7), Belgium (€89.5), Ireland (€88.0) and Denmark (€85.1). At the opposite end of the scale, the lowest average expenditure per person and per day were recorded for older tourists living in the Czech Republic (€13.7), Romania (€13.8), Greece (€18.0) Lithuania (€19.1) and Hungary (€19.2).

For all Member States except Belgium, the average expenditure of older tourists was lower than the overall average. This was notably the case for Lithuania (€19.1 euros per person and day on average for older tourists, compared with €48.4 for the total average, or a difference of €29.3) and Slovakia (-€29.2), followed at a distance by Cyprus (-€24.8), Estonia (-€24.3) and Finland (-€24.1). At EU level, an older tourist spent on average €52.6 a day, compared with €65.3 for the overall average, or €12.7 less per day. It should be noted that tourism expenditures are influenced notably by the duration of trips and by the proportion of holidays spent in second homes or during off-peak seasons.

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